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Showing posts from February, 2014

Second try with Scala and REST

As I mentioned in my previous post I tried to create a simple REST service with Scala and , but that turned out to be unbelievably difficult. A second try with Scala and REST turned out to be successful. Play to the rescue When my experiment with didn't work out I had an idea to try out Play 2 as a base to my REST service. Working with Play 2 was a walk in the park compared to even though not entirely painless but much easier and less frustrating. Starting out with Play 2 was really quick thanks to a good documentation and examples that are up to date. Basically I just ran the command play new appName and started coding. So far I have REST service and a in-memory implementation of todo tasks with some unit tests. REST service is all Play 2 with routes and a single application class. The current service layer implementation is a single class with tasks in a mutable Map where a individual task is a case class, so just some basic Scala code. I r...